Mardi Gras Dinner

Feb. 5, 2019, noon


BEFORE starting the roux, chop and put into a heavy pot like a Dutch oven:
4 cups onion
2 cups bell pepper
2 cups celery
1 tablespoon garlic
This is called the Trinity in Cajun cooking.

Set aside and wait for the roux.


1 cup flour
1 cup fat (I use lard, tallow, or avocado oil, something like that)

Put in a stainless steel skillet (lots of people use cast iron, but I always use stainless steel). Over HIGH heat and using a wire whisk, stir the oil/flour combination until it's really, really brown. We like the roux to look like black coffee.

Immediately scrape the roux into the Dutch oven over the vegetables. This will slow down the cooking. Stir the roux into the vegetables.

Add to the Dutch oven about 8 cups of chicken broth. Bring to a boil and then turn down to simmer. Simmer for at least an hour. I like to let mine go for longer.


Self Massage

Jan. 22, 2019, 2:39 p.m.

Massage helps reduce muscle tension and stiffness in numerous ways, including increasing blood flow to your muscles. Some research shows that regular massage may also boost immunity by stimulating the production of white blood cells. Massage helps you relax and improve your mental energy. It may also make you more productive at work.

Work can be anything that you do or spend most of your day doing. "Most people practice the art of self-massage without thinking about it, whether they are rubbing their forehead because of a headache, scrubbing themselves with a loofah sponge in the shower, or rubbing their feet after a long day," says Anna Walsemann, a yoga and Oriental healing instructor at New Age Health Spa in Neversink, New York. "These are all simple and natural self-massage techniques."

Some of the best preventative medicine starts with self-massage. Cancer for example has been reduced as well as completely avoided due to daily or regular breast massage. The incr...


Organizing and Folding

Jan. 22, 2019, noon

Here are a few small tips from Allison's lesson that can make a big difference:


- Walk your house with a garbage bag.  Be ruthless.  Take the bag straight out to the big trash (Emily Ley).

- Walk your house with a donate bag.  Be ruthless.  Take the bag straight out to your car and drop it off next time you're in the car (Emily Ley).

- Clear your bedside table of everything except a clock, a lamp, and two things that make you happy (Emily Ley).

- Declutter by category, not by room.  For example, take all the clothing from all around the house (work on one family member at a time) and put it in a pile.  Handle each item and decide whether to keep, donate, or trash.  Then put it all away.  Same with books, papers, etc. (Marie Kondo)

- Donate anything that hasn't been worn in a year (Marie Kondo).

- Sort items in smaller containers inside drawers, especially kitchen gadgets, ba...


Lesson 1 - Organizing Almost Like Marie Kondo

Jan. 16, 2019, 10:38 a.m.

On Tuesday we will learn how to organize and fold ALMOST like Marie Kondo, but not quite.  We will simplify and show you how to fold just about anything correctly! 

Looking forward to seeing you.
